Tuesday 7 July 2015

Mosques in Poland

 The Gdańsk mosque


The Lipka Tatar mosque at the village of Bohoniki. One of only two surviving wooden mosques in Poland. It was built by the Muslim Tatars who settled here in the 17th century.

Kruszyniany Mosque in Poland, near the border to Belarus. The mosque and adjacent graveyard were built by Tartar Muslims.
Kruszyniany Mosque in Poland, near the border to Belarus. The mosque and adjacent graveyard were built by Tartar Muslims.


 The Muslim Cemetery in Warsaw


Warsaw mosque 
The mosque is located in Warsaw. It is now one of the active mosques in Poland. This mosque is not a typical Muslim house of prayer, on its premises  are located the offices of the  Muslim Religious Community.

On the link below there are more images of mosques in Poland, the script is in Polish.

On the link below you will find a very well made documentary about Islam in Poland, discussing the issues they face and the history of Islam's presence as well as a 'tour' of some of their mosques.
